Sara - time of change

Aperto da crono 80, Agosto 18, 2007, 11:01:37 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

crono 80

bellissima vocal e melodia (specie il rmx) , un disco scoperto postumo ke cmq m è entrato in mente e ke m piace moltissimo. bella bella  :r0x:
when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!

crono 80

zi zi  il disco l'ho saputo da Nico...e pure il rmx! e tu..saggio totale ke nn sei altro m hai fatto conoscere il rmx ke cercavo io  :r0x:  :r0x:  :r0x:

when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!

Emperor Absolutus

Bella e dolce... stile impeccabile della Factory Team




"Seconds turn to minutes
and the minutes turn to hours
and the hours turn to days and the world goes round
and round and round and round and...."


very good!!! :sisi:  eurodance in stile ''nostalgico e sognatrice'' :'(