Aperto da oscardj, Ottobre 24, 2007, 18:55:43 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

crono 80

sarà mica un rmx di Prezioso - anybody anyway? XD

l'unica cosa ke m ricorda se no proprio nn ricordo lol
when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!


Hanno venduto dischi in tutto il mondo (sotto altro nome).... ::)


ho avuto l'illuminazione
bliss team, hold on to love





m@uro 8
oscardj 6
crono80 5
alex78 3
dancecorto 3
Tommy 3
Rastry 1
Dj Luca Effe 1


tommy nn c è posto io

gruppo famoso,canzone nn tanto

crono 80

azz difficilotto qsto... :o   nn lo inquadro XD
when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!


indizio: anche se sbagliate il titolo ve lo dò buono  :D :D



sono extremi e fanno una canzone d amore


X-treme - Love Song? ::)

Ps : se è giusta qualcun altro posti lo spezzone, che ora nn posso metterne ;)

crono 80

X-TREME - DEEBOUDAEBEEDOEE     sembra piu qsta a sto punto XD boh
when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!

crono 80

è piu cn i sint uguali e la cassa lenta c starebbe....xqsto...
when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!


bravo crono  ;)


m@uro 8
oscardj 6
crono80 6
alex78 3
dancecorto 3
Tommy 3
Rastry 1
Dj Luca Effe 1

crono 80


eccoci al momento dream, alla dance del 1998...ricordate scana feat naline e shash cn stay?

ecco un'altro disco sulla stessa onda...piu club x certi versi...(famoso eh cmq all'epoca!)


when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!


Cacchio, ha la stessa cassa e lo stesso basso di Stay! :o
Ma proprio identici :o
