Two Girls - Musical Passion

Aperto da FabyM4DJ, Gennaio 30, 2010, 14:18:05 PM

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never back down

quanto mi piaceva!! :rox2:
era presente in DANCETERIA 10 :cuffie:
Oggi come allora,90 forever!

Stylus Josh

 :r0x: :r0x: :r0x: :r0x: :r0x: :r0x: :r0x:

Bellissimo... pezzo che ho da sempre adorato!

:dj: :dj:
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish,take a chance,make a change and breakaway.
Out of the darkness and into the sun, but I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk,take a chance,make a change and breakaway.


crono 80

when LHCb sees
where the antimatter's gone
ALICE looks at collisions
of lead ions.
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
they're lookin' for whatever
new particles they can find.
the LHC acceleerates the protons and the lead,
and the things that it discovers
will rock you in the head!